Thursday, January 28, 2016

LAMS installation on ubuntu

LAMS (Learning Activity Management System)

Credits : Shri. Niranjan, Rie, Mysore

LAMS is a revolutionary new tool for designing, managing and delivering online collaborative learning activities.

It provides teachers with a highly intuitive visual authoring environment for creating sequences of learning activities. These activities can include a range of individual tasks, small group work and whole class activities based on both content and collaboration.

LAMS is integrated with various Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle, Blackboard/WebCT, Sakai and .LRN as well as Microsoft Sharepoint.

LAMS works well as a stand-alone e-learning system. It can also be integrated with other educational software such as a Learning Management System (LMS).

LAMS is Free and Open Source software Licensed under GPL 2

LAMS home page:

Lams wiki page:

Installation on Ubuntu:

(Also easily extendable for any other distros)
Based on instructions given in,

Software Requirements:

* Apache web server (optional)
* JBOSS 5.1 application server
* Java Sun JDK 6 (also known as JDK 1.6)
OR/ Java Sun JDK 7 (also known as JDK 1.7) also works
* MySQL 5.5+ or 5.1 database server
* Adobe Flash Player

LAMS is written in JAVA, which in principle makes it operating system independent.

Goto Ubuntu Software Center and install the following two packages.
* OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime
* MySQL Server

Or, as root ($ sudo su root) run he following commands:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install mysql-server
# apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
# apt-get install ant

Required JBOSS will be provided along with the LAMS bundle. And let us not worry right now about Apache.

MySQL Server may ask for a password, type in some password and remember it.

Start MySQL Server:
# service mysql start

Create a LAMS user within MySQL:
# mysql -u root
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON lams.* TO lams@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'lamsdemo';
mysql> exit

Download LAMS v2.4 for Linux/Unix:
Download 'LAMS 2.4 installation pack' for generic Unix and Linux from,

The link for the package in the above page may be the following,

Prepare LAMS 2.4 installation:
Extract the downloaded archive in any convenient location and extract it. Then in terminal get into the extracted directory by using `cd` command. Then issue the following commands.

1. To Copy JBoss and LAMS Binaries to app directory:
# cp -rp jboss-5.1 /usr/local

2. To Create a nonlogin user for LAMS:
# useradd -d /usr/local/jboss-5.1/bin -M lams
and set permissions
# chown -R lams:lams /usr/local/jboss-5.1/

3. To Import LAMS Db into MySQL:
# mysql -u lams -p lams < lams.sql
Enter password: lamsdemo

4. Customizing LAMS settings:
The default settings for LAMS are: (better leave it as it is)
LAMS ear folder /usr/local/jboss-5.1/server/default/deploy/lams.ear
Repository directory /var/opt/lams/repository
Temp directory /var/opt/lams/tmp
Server URL http://localhost:8080/lams/

5. Set permissions to repository and tmp folders:
# mkdir -p /var/opt/lams
# chown -R lams:lams /var/opt/lams

6. Start LAMS:
# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
In this my.cnf file, look for a line
bind-address =
This number (it may be different in your installation) is to be used in the following command.

# su -l lams -c "/usr/local/jboss-5.1/bin/ -b"

Then open a web browser (eg FireFox) and in address bar enter,

Login as sysadmin (u: sysadmin p: sysadmin) and you are ready to go.

7. Start on boot:
If you need LAMS to start on boot (as service) then get start-stop-daemon to help you with this. Read,

for further details.

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